Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Got the Juice Now!

(Monday, January 10, 2011)

Never go to the grocery story hungry!  I made the mistake of doing so and the end result was Minute Maid Cherry Limeade.  *Funky face* Yuck!  That's what I get for trying something new.  I should've stuck with my old faithful Fruit or Berry Punch.  Don't you hate when you decide to be different, try something new, and then it ends up feeling like a horrible decision?!  Of course this blog entry isn't about my horrible grocery shopping decision in choosing the wrong beverage.  It's about trying something different.  Dating, careers, wardrobe, hairstyles, cars, and hobbies are all areas of life where we tend to switch it up from time-to-time, well some us.  The same frustration that I felt in buying that juice, is the same frustration that I've felt in major facets of my life.

When it comes to dating, for instance, I've pretty much dated the same type of guys.  Extremely athletic, popular, tough exterior (so they'd like you to think), overly masculine, video-game playing "meat-heads"... no offense to anyone, I was just describing your stereotypical jock.  I do attract a variety of males, but I always used to jump with excitement when one of the guys I just described came rolling my way.  All of my life I've been an athlete, so it's natural that I would be attracted to the athletes.  However, during my later years of college, after another dating experience and situation flopped... I decided to switch it up.  I went out of my comfort zone and said yes to dating guys who were different than what I was used to, which proceeded to post-college.  How has that been going for me?  Very well actually.  I've discovered new interests and new things about myself that I wasn't aware that I liked, disliked, and loved through my dating experiences.  

The same goes for career choices.  I had my sight set on law school all throughout undergrad.  Then suddenly during my senior year of college, I found myself hating law which led to my exploration of other fields.  That led me to a sports internship with the Ravens, my dream, which I figured I would love in being a former athlete.  That too was a disaster.  But like dating, stepping out and trying different things has led me to discover new things that make me smile.  I am not a big risk-taker at all, so having the courage to even try something new was a new process for me in itself.  It's scary to think that this leap of faith that your taking, could potentially back fire and blow up in your face.  And even more frightening to think that giving up what I was use to, could leave me with absolutely nothing in the end. 

There comes a point though when you're just pushed to your limit... where you can no longer stand going to work, you dread having conversations with your significant other, you question your beauty because of a dated look.  In your heart, you know when it's time... time to move on and/or simply switch it up.  Just like with my juice, I'm now stuck with an entire carton of juice that I do not want and can't take back.  The good news though, I can rid of the juice... go buy something else that I like... and place that juice on the list of "tried but denied".

Does this mean that I will never venture out and try something different, even something as small as juice ever again? No, that'd be ridiculous.  This all just means that particular kind wasn't for me, now I know.  Someone else could love it!  You have to take risks in life in order to live, even if they're small ones. Otherwise 20 years from now you could be left with a bunch of "I shoulda, coulda, woulda's... but didn'ts"  What have you got to lose?  How else are you going to know what gives you complete happiness if you're satisfied with, "I'm doing okay"? Take a risk!  Think of all of the possibilities that you could be missing out on! That's what we call living and learning my friend!  We can even hold hands together... because Lord knows I myself am afraid to jump at times, but I will! ;)

A Starter Risk To-Do List
1. Drastically change your hair... dye it, cut it, go natural, get a weave. If you're a guy... try the bald look, let your facial hair grow out, or cut your existing facial hair.
2. Apply for a few jobs out of state, across the country even... and if you get an interview, go on it!
3. Go see a movie by yourself, have lunch at a restaurant alone aside from your lunch break... if you do this already then make it a more frequent thing.
4. Take a class that involves a new hobby... i.e. sewing, painting, dancing, boxing.
5. Learn a new language.
6. Go on a blind date... or on a date with someone who you've been telling no.
7. Book a trip, to somewhere you haven't been within the next two weeks.
8. This weekend, take a road trip to visit a friend who lives more than 2 hours away.
9. Buy a ridiculously expensive item that you have always wanted.
10. Add volunteering to your already busy life. (Should not be a risk but for some of you it's like pulling teeth!)
11. Tell someone special in your life exactly how you feel... take the next step from where ever you are even.
12. Join something... an organization, a gym, a church.
13. Start at least laying out the foundation for your own side hustle, non-profit, new business.
14. Start up a blog and share with the world what's in your head ;)
15. Start your own "Risk List" if mine isn't applicable enough to you... give yourself an age or date that you'd like to complete things.  It doesn't have to be as extreme as a "Bucket List" (a list of things to do before you die)... but just put ideas on paper and go with them for once in your life!

*a familiar one*
"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." ~Alfred Lord Tennyson


  1. FYI I love cherry limeade!

  2. Is this Brittney telling me how Cherry Limeade is her fav again?? Or another poor victim who has fallen to Cherry Limeade :( lol
