Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Think before you... THINK?!?!???

As humans, aren't we just the prophetic bunch!?!

"I knew that was going to happen!!!"  You find yourself quietly humming a tune all morning long.  Then BAM, you get into your car and the song you've been singing sporadically is the first thing that comes on the car radio.  As you skim over your "non-existent/please someone love me" text messages from the night before, you just knew that your friend had no intentions of getting back to you despite promises.  Or how about knowing that you'd get caught at every single red light while rushing to work.  Dammit, you should've gotten off at the earlier exit when you had the chance!! Who knew???? Well, you did.  You created it, you made these situations happen whether positive or negative.

How is it that we are capable of producing these all-knowing, gut feelings that appear to lead us towards the right answer?  Are we somehow reincarnated beings that have lived this same life, within this same body, knowing our destiny but merely forgetting it?  Or could it be as simple and scientific as having a hypothesis, an educated guess?  As I have gotten older, I find myself believing less and less in this prophetic ability of the average human-being.  Despite watching my life unfold as I've desired and expressed through multiple conversations, prayers, and even past blog entries; I now find it more difficult to believe that everything has already been created for me.  Instead, I am beginning to feel like my own creator.  Indeed, I am not trying to belittle the power of God.  I feel we work hand and hand.  I have just grown to acknowledge and understand that I have more power than I realize.  

You create your own destiny by speaking it into existence.  Cliche, I know but how many of us truly grasp what that phrase means.  Literally YOU, not him, nor her, but YOU create your own destiny.  It's like continuing to build a house despite the storm that keeps coming by trying to blow it away.  Work and creation are both involved.  It is one thing to say, "I know God's going to work it out" but to live in worry negates those words.  If we, as humans, went through life speaking things into existence and training our minds to mentally focus on creating what our hearts desire, then there'd be no room for worry.  

Last year around this time, I got to a point in my life where I felt as if I was no longer in control.  I had to pause and evaluate how proactive I was outside of physically working.  Constantly, I begged God to help me reach the next phase of my life; however I had not mentally created that phase in my head for God to allow.  I had to become a true optimist and not just claim to be one because I go to church, because my horoscope claims that I am, or because I am positive every once in a while.  My situation actually ended up having to get so bad, that I had to force myself to comprehend the mental power I had to create.  Once I did that, a comfort overtook me.  As I went longer without tangibly knowing how my job and school situation would unfold, the calmer I became.  It was as if I had already built the house, I was just waiting for people to move inside.  

God helped put an ease over my mind while I created my next step and screamed it into existence; and then, he (God) approved it.  The difference between calling yourself a prophet and creating is all in your head, literally.  Mentally, as a prophet, you see the future for what it is; while mentally, as a creator, you make the future what you want it to be.  

"If you can succeed in your mind, you can succeed in you life.  I would never have more money in my closet than on my book shelf.  Your mind needs a goal/focus.  Your mind is a living thing.  Your mind is your focus.  If your mind doesn't have a picture of the future it will replay the past.  Your mind needs an instruction.  Your mind is your servant, to serve you, not to master you... Say what God says, so you can feel what God feels." - Mike Murdock, The Seven Laws 

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